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Champion Resources

Amazing resources to help you leverage data and technology to grow people.

Written by: Eric Swanson & Matt Engel

About Eric A bit about me....I have a passion for engaging churches worldwide in the needs and dreams of their communities so a to bring about spiritual and societal transformation. My wife Liz and I served with Campus Crusade for Christ for twenty-five years before joining the staff of Leadership Network where I currently work as a "missional specialist," serving as Leadership Community Director for Externally Focused Churches, Missional Renaissance and Global Connection Churches working with scores of missional churches around North America. I also often work with leaders around the world who are focused on kingdom transformation. In 2007 I completed a D.Min. degree in "Transformational Leadership in the Global City" from Bakke Graduate University. With Rick Rusaw I am the co-author of The Externally Focused Church, Living a Life on Loan, The Externally Focused Life, and The Externally Focused Quest. With my long-time friend Sam Williams I wrote To Transform a City: Whole Church, Whole Gospel, Whole City and with my friend and co-worker wrote my first novel--Fourteen Fridays: a story of baseball, church, data and redemption. I've been married to Liz for over 35 years, have three married children, eight grandchildren and resides outside of Boulder Colorado. You can contact me at eric@tangogroup.com About Matt: Having served as a pastor in Arizona, and with a background in organizational design, development, and decision science, Matt is currently serving as the Executive Director of Ministry Innovation at Gloo.us. Gloo is a technology company helping organizations scale the growth of their people and has aligned with the some of the most influential churches and networks in the world, helping inform outcomes and impact of ministries. Matt is a speaker, co-author, and considered a subject matter expert on Decision Science and Growth Engagement Strategy within the Church. The innovation division of Gloo.us is advancing the understanding of data-science, analytics, insights and platform designs within ministries. Matt continues to serve as a Research Fellow at Leadership Network. Matt is a husband, father, pastor, and advisor.

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Amazing resources to help you leverage data and technology to grow people.