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Connect with every new neighbor this Fall

Written by Team Gloo | 8/15/24 6:52 PM

As summer winds down and the fall season begins, churches experience a resurgence in attendance as people return to their routines. For church leaders, this is the perfect time to connect with new neighbors in your community—families and individuals who are settling into a new area and may be searching for a new church to call home. With Gloo's New Movers Program, part of our Gloo+ premium membership, reaching out to these potential new members has never been easier or more effective.


The Power of Direct Mail in a Digital World

In an age where digital communication dominates, there’s something uniquely impactful about receiving a physical piece of mail. A personalized postcard welcoming new movers to the neighborhood is not only a warm gesture but also a tangible connection that can set your church apart. Research has shown that when people move to a new area, they are more likely to seek out a church community. This is your opportunity to make a lasting first impression, and direct mail is one of the best ways to do it.


With Gloo's New Movers Program, you can automatically send up to 50 personalized postcards each month to new residents in your selected area. These postcards can include a warm invitation to your church, details about upcoming events, and even a QR code leading to more information on your website or a prayer request form. If you want to reach more people, you can easily upgrade to send additional mailings.


Why Direct Mail Works So Well

Direct mail has a unique way of cutting through the noise. Unlike emails or social media posts that can be easily overlooked, a physical postcard stands out. It feels personal, intentional, and thoughtful—qualities that resonate deeply with people who are new to the area and possibly feeling a bit isolated.


A friendly note from your church on a beautifully designed postcard can make new neighbors feel welcomed and valued, encouraging them to visit your church and see what your community is all about. The simple act of receiving a piece of mail can create a positive association with your church, setting the stage for a meaningful connection.


Following Up with Texting: Keep the Conversation Going

Once you’ve made that initial contact through direct mail, the next step is to keep the conversation going. Church texting is an ideal way to maintain engagement with new movers. It’s personal, immediate, and preferred by many for ongoing communication.


You can use Gloo’s texting platform to send follow-up messages inviting people to local events, sharing inspirational content, or offering well wishes. A simple text saying, "We're praying for you as you settle into your new home," can go a long way in building a relationship with new members of your community.


Integrate Prayer into Your Outreach

Prayer is a powerful way to connect with new people and show that your church truly cares about their well-being. With Gloo’s prayer inbox feature, you can invite new movers to submit prayer requests, making it easy for them to share more about their lives and feel supported by your church.


Including a mention of prayer in your direct mail or follow-up texts can be a gentle reminder that your church is a place of comfort and hope. This personal touch can make new neighbors feel cared for and more likely to engage with your church.



Connecting with new neighbors this fall is a crucial step in growing your church community, and Gloo’s New Movers Program makes it easier than ever. By combining the power of direct mail with the convenience of texting and the personal touch of prayer, you can create a welcoming environment that invites people to become a part of your church family. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a lasting impact—start using the New Movers Program today, and watch your community grow!