Direct Mail Is Actually Working for Churches: The Results Are In

Direct-Mail-Results_VideoIn today’s digital world, you might think that direct mail is a thing of the past—but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Direct mail has proven to be one of the most effective tools for church outreach, especially when combined with texting. Churches using the New Mover Program in Gloo+ are seeing real, tangible results, and the data shows that direct mail is helping churches grow their communities.

So, how is it working? Let’s dive into the results and why direct mail is making a comeback as a top outreach strategy.


Why Direct Mail Is the Perfect First Impression

When a family moves to a new community, they’re actively searching for ways to connect and belong. This is where direct mail excels. A personalized, physical postcard arriving at their doorstep, welcoming them to the area and inviting them to your church, feels personal and thoughtful. Unlike emails or social media posts that are often overlooked, a physical invitation is hard to ignore. It gets noticed, read, and appreciated.

But it doesn’t stop there. By sending a warm, personalized postcard through our New Mover Program, you’re making the first move, and that gesture speaks volumes. It tells new movers, “We care about you and want to help you feel at home here.” That sense of belonging often leads them to visit your church, which is the ultimate goal.


It’s Proven: Direct Mail Is Driving Church Attendance

Churches that are already using Gloo’s New Mover Program are seeing a steady uptick in the number of new visitors walking through their doors. Why? Because when people feel personally invited, they are more likely to respond. New families, especially those seeking a new community and church, are far more likely to attend when they receive a personalized and thoughtful invitation.

Not only does the physical presence of a postcard stand out, but the timing is crucial. Sending that invitation within the first month or two after someone moves ensures your church is one of the first they hear about. This gives your church a prime position in their decision-making process, which is often critical when they are searching for a new place to worship and build community.


The Power of Combining Direct Mail and Texting

The effectiveness of direct mail doesn’t stop with the postcard. Churches that combine direct mail with follow-up texts are seeing even greater results. After sending a personalized postcard, following up with a text message is a natural next step to maintain that personal connection. On your postcard, you can include an option for them to opt in to text updates from your church. You can thank them for receiving the card, invite them to an upcoming event, or offer a simple “We’re praying for you” message to show continued care.

This combination of outreach methods makes new movers feel even more connected. It’s not just one touchpoint—it’s a conversation. When churches use both direct mail and texting, they’re creating multiple opportunities to connect and engage with new families, which leads to greater attendance and more long-term relationships.


Direct Mail: A Proven Strategy for Growth

The results speak for themselves: Direct mail is actively working to bring new families into churches. With personalized postcards and thoughtful follow-ups through Gloo’s platform, churches are seeing more visitors, building stronger relationships, and growing their communities.


So, if you’re wondering if direct mail is worth it—yes, it is. And when used with texting, it becomes an even more powerful outreach tool.


Ready to see how direct mail can work for you? Sign up for Gloo+ to join the New Mover Program today and start welcoming new families to your church with a personal, meaningful invitation. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.