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Text These 5 Videos to Better Engage Your Church

Written by Gloo | 9/24/24 3:36 PM

Texting has become a staple of communication in our daily lives, and it’s no different when it comes to churches connecting with their congregation. Since most people carry their smartphones with them all day, texting allows you to meet people where they are, increasing engagement and excitement. One powerful way to boost that engagement is by texting videos.


Video is a dynamic medium that conveys emotion, energy, and information in ways that words alone cannot. Whether it’s a recap of Sunday’s sermon or a simple personal message, videos can create deeper connections with your congregation. If you’re already using Gloo’s texting platform, why not take your communications up a notch by texting out videos? Here are 5 ideas to get you started.


1. Sunday Recap & Weekly Devotional

While your congregation may have attended Sunday’s service, sending out a short recap of the message keeps the message fresh in their minds throughout the week. Combine this with a short devotional or reflection based on the sermon. Your video can be as simple as you (or a team member) sharing key points, or even a clip from the sermon itself. Gloo makes it easy to send this out to specific groups within your church, keeping everyone connected to the message. (And, if you want help creating video clips from your sermons, you can upload your recording to Church.Tech, which will create small clips for you. When you sign up with Gloo+, you get a Church.Tech membership discount.)


2. Behind-the-Scenes Moments

People love to feel part of something special, and sharing a behind-the-scenes look at the church can be a fun way to engage them. You could send out a short video of your worship team rehearsing, preparations for an upcoming event, or even a day in the life of your church staff. This humanizes your church and gives people a glimpse into the effort and care that goes into every service and event.


3. Upcoming Event Announcements

Whether you’re hosting a church picnic, small group meetings, or a special worship night, creating short, energetic videos to announce these events can generate more excitement than a plain text message. Consider filming a short invite from your pastor or a key leader, maybe at the location of your event to serve as a “sneak peek” into what your people can expect, and sending it to your congregation. When people see your enthusiasm, they’ll be more inclined to mark their calendars and attend!


4. Testimonies and Encouragement

Nothing resonates more deeply than hearing someone’s personal story. Encourage church members to share their testimonies on camera if they’re comfortable—what God is doing in their lives, how they’ve been impacted by a particular ministry, or how they’ve grown spiritually. Then, text these testimonies out to your congregation (with permission, of course). These powerful videos can serve as encouragement and motivation, showing people the tangible impact of being part of the church.


5. Weekly Volunteer Spotlight

Volunteers are the backbone of many church ministries, and recognizing their efforts can go a long way in boosting morale and engagement. Each week, you could create a short video highlighting a different volunteer. They can share a bit about their role, why they love serving, how they’ve grown through the experience, and how others can get involved. Sending these videos via text not only shows appreciation but also encourages others in the congregation to get involved. Plus, people love seeing familiar faces!


Bringing It All Together


Using Gloo’s texting platform to send out videos helps make your communication more personal and engaging. These 5 ideas offer a creative way to stay connected with your congregation, sharing updates, encouragement, and inspiration in a format that grabs attention. Start experimenting with video today, and watch as your church members become more involved, excited, and connected than ever before.


With Gloo, it’s easy to create groups, personalize your messages, and send videos that reach the right people at the right time—all for free! Ready to start texting videos? Let’s get your congregation engaged.