Turning Your Connect Card Digital

Churches have long used connect cards—those simple forms handed out during services—to gather information from visitors and members. While effective in their time, paper connect cards have limitations in today’s fast-paced, digital world.

In this blog, we’ll explore why turning your church’s connect card entirely digital isn’t just a good idea—it’s essential. We’ll cover how digital connect cards are easier to manage, more accessible to your congregation, and ultimately, more effective in helping your church engage and connect with its community.


The Shift to Digital: Why It Matters

With nearly everyone carrying a smartphone, digital tools are no longer just an option; they’re a necessity. A digital connect card allows people to engage with your church at their own pace, whether they’re sitting in a pew on Sunday morning or reflecting on the service later in the day. By providing a simple QR code during your service, you enable visitors and members to scan, fill out, and submit their information directly from their phones. This ease of access means more people are likely to complete the card, giving your church more opportunities to connect with them.


Benefits of Going Digital

1. Increased Engagement:

When you switch to a digital connect card, you’re lowering the barrier for participation. Filling out a form on a smartphone is quicker and more convenient than dealing with a paper card and a pencil, not to mention the hassle of finding a place to leave the now-filled-out card. As a result, more visitors will complete the card, providing you with valuable information to help integrate them into your church community.


2. Real-Time Data Collection:

Digital connect cards allow for instant data collection. Instead of waiting until the end of the service to gather and manually enter information from paper cards, digital forms can be automatically stored and organized in your church’s database. This efficiency allows your team to focus on what really matters—reaching out and connecting with new visitors.


3. Flexibility and Accessibility:

A digital card can be filled out anytime, anywhere. Whether someone missed the chance to fill it out during the service or prefers to do it later, the option is there. This flexibility is particularly valuable in today’s world, where many people expect convenience and immediacy in their interactions.


How to Implement Digital Connect Cards

Implementing digital connect cards in your church is simple. Start by creating a digital form that mirrors the information fields on your traditional connect card—platforms like Jotform, Canva, Google, and others have easy-to-use options for church leaders looking to go digital. Then, generate a QR code that links directly to this new form. Print this QR code in your church bulletin, display it on screens during services, text the code out from your church texting number, or even place it on the back of chairs in the sanctuary. The easier it is for people to access, the more likely they are to use it.


Embracing Technology for Greater Connection

Digital connect cards are just one way to embrace technology in your church’s mission to connect with and serve its members. By making small shifts like this, you can create a more engaging, accessible, and welcoming environment for everyone who walks through your doors.


If you’re ready to explore more technology solutions that can enhance your church’s mission, consider signing up for Gloo today.