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The Ultimate List of Groups Your Church Should Be Texting (But Probably Isn’t)

Written by Gloo | 10/16/24 6:15 PM

Texting is one of the most effective ways to stay in touch with your congregation, yet many churches limit their messaging to just a few core groups like volunteers or parents. What about all the other important ministries, teams, and subgroups that could benefit from direct, personalized communication?

This ultimate list will show you creative ways to expand your texting groups and engage your entire church community in ways you might not have considered yet.

75 Groups Your Church Never Thought to Text

Each of these groups plays an important role in your church. You depend on them to get jobs done and keep the church running smoothly and living up to the message of radical love found in the Gospel. Your custom message to each group will remind them of how much you care for them and let you get important information out to just the people who need it. 

Volunteers, Staff, and Leaders

1. Small Group Leaders
  • Training texts: Send quick leadership tips or Scripture study tools.
  • Group check-ins: Remind them to check in with their members regularly.
  • Resource sharing: Provide leaders with resources for teaching or group discussion.


2. Outreach Team
  • Project updates: Notify the team about mission trips or local outreach efforts.
  • Prayer support: Request prayers for specific mission trips or outreach projects.
  • Volunteer recruitment: Ask for volunteers for upcoming mission events.


3. Church Leadership (Staff, Elders, Deacons)
  • Meeting reminders: Notify of leadership meetings, updates, or changes.
  • Spiritual encouragement: Share devotionals or leadership-focused Scripture.
  • Action steps: Provide clear steps or decisions to take based on recent meetings.


4. Prayer Team
  • Prayer requests: Send out urgent or ongoing prayer requests.
  • Prayer reports: Share updates on answered prayers or praise reports.
  • Meeting reminders: Notify the prayer team about scheduled prayer meetings or gatherings.


5. Sunday School Teachers
  • Curriculum reminders: Notify teachers of changes to lesson plans.
  • Appreciation texts: Recognize their commitment and offer encouragement.
  • Class updates: Share updates or resources related to their specific classes.


6. Caregivers
  • Check-in texts: Send encouraging messages and check on their well-being.
  • Event reminders: Notify them of senior events, support groups, or Bible studies.
  • Prayer support: Ask how the church can pray for them or their caregivers.


7. Music/Worship Team
  • Practice reminders: Notify of rehearsal times or last-minute changes.
  • Song selection updates: Share setlists or new songs to prepare for services.
  • Appreciation texts: Thank them for their dedication to spiritual growth through worship.


8. Church Maintenance/Facilities Team
  • Workday reminders: Notify about scheduled workdays or special projects.
  • Supply requests: Ask for donations of needed tools or supplies.
  • Appreciation texts: Recognize their behind-the-scenes contributions.


9. Tech/AV Team
  • Tech updates: Send reminders about tech upgrades, training, or software updates.
  • Service schedules: Provide reminders about which team members are on duty.
  • Appreciation texts: Recognize their work in making services run smoothly.


10. Volunteers (General)
  • Reminder texts: Keep volunteers updated on dates, times, and locations.
  • Request texts: Ask for extra help for specific events.
  • Appreciation texts: Recognize them for their service.

11. Hospitality/Welcome Team
  • Schedule reminders: Remind about scheduled Sunday or midweek duties.
  • Hospitality training tips: Send short texts with helpful tips for welcoming guests.
  • Encouragement texts: Motivate with Scripture and reminders of their impact.


12. Nursery Workers
  • Shift reminders: Remind about upcoming nursery duty.
  • Appreciation texts: Acknowledge their hard work with the youngest members.
  • Training texts: Share tips on best practices for infant care during services.


13. Missions Committee
  • Project updates: Send out regular updates on mission projects, locally or internationally.
  • Volunteer needs: Request help for specific mission-related events.
  • Prayer requests: Provide specific prayer needs for missionaries and mission projects.


14. Communion Team
  • Schedule texts: Notify them of upcoming communion services.
  • Preparation reminders: Remind them to prepare materials or check inventory.
  • Encouragement texts: Share spiritual reflections on the significance of their role.


15. Church Clean-Up Crew
  • Workday reminders: Notify about scheduled cleaning days or after-service duties.
  • Appreciation texts: Show gratitude for their behind-the-scenes work.
  • Supply requests: Send texts when additional help or supplies are needed.


16. Youth Leaders
  • Training reminders: Notify youth leaders about upcoming training sessions or meetings.
  • Resource texts: Share articles or curriculum to help guide youth group sessions.
  • Encouragement texts: Provide spiritual motivation as they minister to young people.

17. Worship Service Volunteers (Sound, Video, Lighting)
  • Shift reminders: Send reminders of their assigned duties for upcoming services.
  • Training updates: Notify of any changes in equipment or procedures.
  • Appreciation texts: Recognize the essential role they play in church services.

18. VBS (Vacation Bible School) Volunteers
  • Event prep texts: Remind volunteers of upcoming VBS planning meetings or setup times.
  • Appreciation texts: Thank them for their help in making VBS successful.
  • Training tips: Send out helpful tips for managing VBS groups and activities.

19. Seasonal Event Teams (Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day)
  • Event reminders: Send reminders about rehearsals or event setup times.
  • Supply requests: Notify team members of last-minute needs for event materials.
  • Encouragement texts: Share spiritual reflections on the meaning behind the event they’re helping with.


20. Hospital Visitation Team
  • Visit reminders: Notify team members of scheduled visits to hospitals.
  • Prayer requests: Share specific prayer needs of those visited.
  • Appreciation texts: Recognize their work in ministering to the sick.

21. Financial/Stewardship Committee
  • Meeting reminders: Keep them up-to-date about upcoming financial planning or stewardship meetings.
  • Resource sharing: Send links to articles or resources on church finance management.
  • Budget updates: Share major updates on church finances and upcoming plans.

22. Building Project Team
  • Project updates: Notify about construction progress or setbacks.
  • Volunteer requests: Ask for additional help for workdays or special projects.
  • Appreciation texts: Thank the team for their work on building and maintenance

23. Crisis Response Team
  • Urgent alerts: Notify the team of emergencies or situations needing immediate action.
  • Prayer requests: Share prayer needs for those affected by crises.
  • Follow-up texts: Send updates after a crisis has been resolved. 

24. Missionaries
  • Prayer support texts: Share specific prayer requests for their missions work.
  • Encouragement texts: Send messages of spiritual encouragement and support.
  • Resource sharing: Send updates or new training materials to help with their ministry.

25. Food Pantry Team
  • Donation requests: Notify the team when supplies are running low.
  • Shift reminders: Send reminders of scheduled shifts at the pantry.
  • Appreciation texts: Recognize their contributions to serving the needy.

26. Choir Members
  • Rehearsal reminders: Notify members of upcoming rehearsals and performance schedules.
  • Song selections: Share details about upcoming songs or new pieces to learn.
  • Appreciation texts: Acknowledge their work in leading worship through song.

27. Funeral Ministry Team
  • Service preparation: Notify team members about upcoming funeral services they’re serving.
  • Condolence texts: Share prayers and support for families involved in funerals.
  • Appreciation texts: Recognize the compassionate work they do.

28. Guest Follow-up Team
  • New visitor alerts: Notify the team when follow-up is needed for new visitors.
  • Reminder texts: Send reminders about calling or visiting newcomers.
  • Encouragement texts: Share spiritual encouragement as they connect with visitors.

29. Sunday School (Specific Age Group Teachers)
  • Curriculum updates: Share new lesson materials or changes for specific age groups.
  • Attendance reminders: Check in on students who’ve missed multiple weeks.
  • Encouragement texts: Thank them for teaching and send prayers for their students.

30. Home Group Leaders
  • Curriculum reminders: Send discussion points or Scripture study resources.
  • Leader support texts: Provide spiritual encouragement and leadership tips.
  • Event reminders: Notify them about leader meetings or additional training.

31. Greeters
  • Shift reminders: Remind greeters of their Sunday or event shifts.
  • Training updates: Share any new procedures or expectations for greeting.
  • Appreciation texts: Recognize the importance of their welcoming work.

32. Parking Lot Team
  • Shift reminders: Notify team members of their parking lot shifts.
  • Event reminders: Send updates on special events with high traffic to manage.
  • Appreciation texts: Acknowledge their work in keeping things orderly.

33. Meal Train Volunteers
  • Meal reminders: Remind volunteers of their scheduled days to provide meals.
  • New requests: Share when a new meal train is being organized.
  • Appreciation texts: Recognize their service in supporting families in need.

34. Greeters (Holiday Service)
  • Special service reminders: Notify greeters of additional services (Christmas, Easter).
  • Training texts: Provide any special instructions for greeting larger crowds.
  • Appreciation texts: Acknowledge their work in welcoming during busy seasons.

35. Elderly Care Ministry
  • Visit reminders: Notify about scheduled home visits or calls to home-worshippers.
  • Encouragement texts: Send prayers or Scriptures to encourage those in the care team.
  • Follow-up texts: Share updates on the well-being of those they visited.

36. First Responder Outreach
  • Event invites: Notify of special events or appreciation days for first responders.
  • Encouragement texts: Share prayers or Scripture specific to first responders.
  • Volunteer opportunities: Invite the group to serve the community in partnership with first responders.


Congregants & Groups

37. Youth Group
  • Event reminders: Remind teens and parents about youth nights, trips, or retreats.
  • Inspiration texts: Send daily or weekly Bible verses or short devotions.
  • Engagement texts: Share polls, quizzes, or fun challenges to keep them connected.


38. Small Group Members
  • Meeting reminders: Send reminders about group meeting times and locations.
  • Discussion prompts: Provide discussion questions or key points from sermons.
  • Encouragement texts: Send midweek encouragement or prayer prompts.

39. Parents
  • Event updates: Notify parents of upcoming children’s ministry events or changes.
  • Parenting tips: Send faith-based parenting resources or advice.
  • Safety alerts: Share safety procedures, inclement weather cancellations, or emergency notices.

40. First-Time Guests
  • Welcome texts: Send a warm welcome and introduction to church services or next steps.
  • Event invites: Share upcoming events that would be great for newcomers.
  • Follow-up texts: Ask how their experience was and if they need prayer or assistance.

41. New Members
  • Welcome texts: Welcome them to the church and share next steps for integration.
  • Event invitations: Encourage them to attend newcomer classes or social events.
  • Service opportunities: Share ways they can start serving in the church.

42. Church Event Attendees
  • Event details: Provide logistical details such as location, parking, and event schedules.
  • Follow-up texts: Ask for feedback after the event or share post-event resources.
  • Future event invitations: Keep them informed about upcoming similar events.

43. Men’s Ministry
  • Event notifications: Notify them about men’s retreats, breakfasts, or Bible studies.
  • Encouragement texts: Send Scriptures or challenges to support spiritual growth.
  • Accountability check-ins: Provide reminders to connect with accountability partners.

44. Women’s Ministry
  • Event reminders: Notify about women’s gatherings, retreats, or Bible studies.
  • Encouragement texts: Share devotional thoughts or Bible verses for inspiration.
  • Prayer requests: Invite them to share prayer needs or join a prayer chain.

45. Local Community Outreach
  • Service invitations: Invite the community events like food drives or community service.
  • Engagement texts: Share updates on outreach programs or volunteer opportunities.
  • Event reminders: Notify of community-focused events or initiatives.

46. Children’s Ministry (General)
  • Event reminders: Notify about upcoming children’s services or events.
  • Curriculum updates: Share updates on new lessons or resources.
  • Safety alerts: Notify parents of any changes in safety procedures.

47. Junior High Students
  • Event reminders: Share information on lock-ins, movie nights, or outings.
  • Devotional texts: Send short, relatable devotionals.
  • Engagement texts: Ask them to respond to quick polls or challenges.

48. High School Students
  • Bible study invites: Invite students to weekly youth Bible studies.
  • Encouragement texts: Provide motivation through Scripture and life advice.
  • Event reminders: Notify of upcoming retreats or mission trips.

49. College Ministry
  • Event invites: Invite to special college-only events like meet-ups or study sessions.
  • Check-ins: Ask how you can support or pray for them as they navigate college life.
  • Mentorship opportunities: Offer them chances to mentor high schoolers or serve.

50. Regular Attenders (Not Yet Members)
  • Invitation texts: Encourage them to take the next step in joining the church.
  • Engagement texts: Share details about community involvement or volunteer opportunities.
  • Personalized prayer requests: Ask how the church can specifically pray for them.

51. Parents of Newborns
  • Parenting resources: Send tips on how to integrate faith into early parenting.
  • Event reminders: Notify parents of baby dedications or parenting classes.
  • Check-in texts: Ask how the church can support their new family.

52. Parents of Preschoolers
  • Class reminders: Remind parents of Sunday school or children’s ministry times.
  • Resource texts: Share parenting tips for young children.
  • Prayer requests: Offer to pray for the needs of young families.

53. Baptism Candidates
  • Class reminders: Notify candidates of upcoming baptism classes or meetings.
  • Preparation tips: Share spiritual preparation texts leading up to their baptism.
  • Encouragement texts: Send Scriptures or devotionals to guide their journey.

54. Worship Service Attendees
  • Reminder texts: Send reminders for upcoming services, special music, or themed Sundays.
  • Follow-up texts: Thanks for attending and share links to sermon recordings or resources.
  • Engagement texts: Ask for prayer requests or sermon feedback.

55. Grief Support Group
  • Meeting reminders: Notify about group meeting times.
  • Encouragement texts: Share encouragement and support during difficult times.
  • Resource texts: Share articles or resources on processing grief.

56. Addiction Recovery Group
  • Meeting reminders: Remind members of upcoming recovery meetings.
  • Encouragement texts: Send motivational messages to support sobriety and faith.
  • Resource texts: Addiction recovery resources or testimonies from others in the group.

57. Single Parents
  • Event invites: Notify about support groups or events specifically for single parents.
  • Encouragement texts: Send uplifting messages and Scriptures for their journey.
  • Resource texts: Share practical parenting tips or church-provided resources.

58. Marriage Ministry
  • Event reminders: Notify couples of marriage retreats, conferences, or workshops.
  • Marriage encouragement texts: Send Scriptures and advice on strengthening marriages.
  • Follow-up texts: Check in on couples who’ve attended marriage counseling or retreats.

59. Newlyweds
  • Event invites: Invite them to newlywed-specific events or counseling sessions.
  • Marriage resources: Share tips on building a strong Christian marriage.
  • Encouragement texts: Send regular messages of love and advice for their new journey.

60. Homebound Members
  • Check-in texts: Regularly ask how they’re doing and offer to pray for them.
  • Church service texts: Share links to livestream services or church events.
  • Encouragement texts: Send spiritual encouragement to help them feel connected.

61. Community Partners (Local Charities, Schools)
  • Event invites: Invite partners to community-focused events.
  • Project updates: Share updates on joint projects like food drives or service days.
  • Donation requests: Send texts when specific donations are needed for collaborative efforts.

62. Prayer Chain
  • Immediate prayer requests: Send out urgent prayer needs from the congregation.
  • Answered prayers: Share updates on prayers that have been answered.
  • Monthly prayer focus: Provide a specific theme or Scripture to focus on for the month.

63. Retreat Attendees
  • Retreat info: Send reminders about packing lists, travel details, and itineraries.
  • Follow-up texts: After the retreat, share resources to help them apply what they

64. Seasonal Event Participants (e.g., Nativity Play, Easter Pageant)
  • Rehearsal reminders: Notify participants of rehearsals or costume fittings.
  • Event reminders: Send updates on performance dates or special instructions.
  • Appreciation texts: Thank them for their time and effort in the performance.

65. Veterans Group
  • Event reminders: Notify veterans of support group meetings or special church events.
  • Encouragement texts: Provide spiritual encouragement tailored to veterans.
  • Prayer requests: Share prayer needs specific to veterans and their families.

66. Widows and Widowers
  • Support group reminders: Notify of upcoming gatherings or support group sessions.
  • Encouragement texts: Share Scriptures or words of hope and healing.
  • Event invites: Invite to social or fellowship events.

67. Military Families
  • Support requests: Notify about specific prayer needs for military families.
  • Event reminders: Share details about support group meetings or family gatherings.
  • Encouragement texts: Provide Scriptures and prayers for their unique challenges.

68. Counseling Ministry
  • Appointment reminders: Send reminders for upcoming counseling sessions.
  • Follow-up texts: Check in with individuals post-counseling.
  • Resource texts: Share articles or spiritual resources related to mental health and faith.

69. Altar Call Follow-Up Team
  • New believer alerts: Notify the team when someone responds to an altar call.
  • Follow-up reminders: Remind them to reach out and connect with new believers.
  • Prayer texts: Share specific prayer needs for individuals recently saved.

70. Singles Ministry
  • Event invites: Notify of singles ministry events, outings, or Bible studies.
  • Encouragement texts: Send devotionals or Scripture geared toward singles.
  • Prayer requests: Share prayer needs within the group.

71. Young Adult Ministry
  • Event reminders: Notify about young adult-specific events or gatherings.
  • Devotional texts: Share short, engaging devotionals or Bible verses.
  • Fellowship opportunities: Invite to social events or church-wide volunteer opportunities.

72. Divorce Recovery Group
  • Meeting reminders: Notify group members of upcoming support meetings.
  • Encouragement texts: Provide spiritual encouragement as they navigate life post-divorce.
  • Resource texts: Share books, articles, or Scripture to support healing.

73. Marriage Counseling Follow-up
  • Session reminders: Notify couples of upcoming counseling sessions.
  • Resource sharing: Provide marriage-building books or articles post-session.
  • Encouragement texts: Send prayers or Scripture to help strengthen their relationship.

74. New Member Class Attendees
  • Class reminders: Notify about the next membership class meeting.
  • Follow-up texts: Check in on their progress or answer any questions post-class.
  • Event invites: Invite them to new member gatherings or events.

75. Foster Care/Adoption Support Group
  • Meeting reminders: Notify about upcoming support group sessions.
  • Encouragement texts: Share Scripture and encouragement for foster care or adoption.
  • Prayer requests: Ask for prayers for specific families or situations.

Conclusion: Tailor Your Reach, Deepen Your Impact

By expanding your texting groups beyond the basics, your church can foster deeper engagement and stronger relationships across every ministry. Whether it's sending reminders to parking lot volunteers or offering encouragement to young families, every message can strengthen your community. Use this list as a guide to discover new groups to communicate with—and watch your church flourish as every member feels more connected, informed, and valued.